Dear Reader
Anyone who reads Candida Upright-Worthy's moving tale of Banker Ridgewell Hawkins in the Guest Column of 'The Fraudster' this week will know what depths of suffering are being wrought by the current crisis.
It is through your fortitude and perceverance that we have so far been able to save these noble family institutions and help people like Ridgewell in their hour of need but - As is so often the case - There is more we need to do to face up to our responsibilities if we are to make it through the maelstrom that still awaits us.
It is to this end that I would like us all to stand up and applaud one group of people who, in the midst of crisis, are marching us from the potential ruins of civilisation toward a brighter tomorrow. A group whose selfless commitment to society is a shining light to all those blighters and n'er-do-wells clogging up the system with their gnashing of teeth.
I refer of course dear reader, to the social elites of our delightful halcyon world - The Park Avenue Promenaders, The Sloane Street shoppers, The Fashion week Fashionista's and yes, even the poor Beleagured Bankers. These hard-pressed and tireless individuals are battling away, in spite of enormous financial pressures, to retain their way of life and keep the wheels of industry turning with their extravagant spending and rampant globe-trotting.
If I may coin a phrase and old acquaintance of mine once used... Never before in the field of retail, was so much owed by so few to so many on so few credit cards.
The single-minded determination of these hardy consumers, from The Paris shows to the Polo season is a joy to behold and how wonderful that so many are flying the flag of economic recovery by ensuring that they are spotted at as many parties as possible in as many outfits as possible. Thankfully, there are countless magazines and websites on hand to document these splendid individuals and it is heartwarming to me that you, my dear, dear friends out there, take so much time out of your day to read about and admire their selfless devotion to society in the pages of the weekly glossies.
These people are just like you and I, only better. So on behalf of everyone, I would like to thank them... My peerless champions of consumerism. You are dazzling bastions of 'Business as Usual' and your flagrant disregard for those who doubt our time-honoured way of doing things is a true example of how to deal with the Enemies of Happiness and National Unity in our midst.
We can only dream to be as wonderful as you, but we can all do our bit by ensuring that we buy something shiny, expensive or glamorous this week. I know that Miss T'su and I will certainly do our bit... Will you prove your National Unity by doing yours?
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