
Recession bites into world of Couture, Fashionista's distraught.

The fashion roadshow rumbled on to New York last week, however insiders say that the world credit crisis is showing signs of leaving its mark on even the glittering world of couture.

Eugenia Muesli-Yoga, fashion correspondent for the 'Fraudster' has been following the shows through their bi-annual world tour and has noticed the more austere mood at the key functions and parties.

"Only last week, we attended a seminar in Paris on how fashion could contribute to the plight of the 53 million people trapped in world poverty and the Champagne was non-vintage".

She went further to add that even the hotels in which the hundreds of travelling reporters, models and glitterati were staying had been forced to cut costs, noting that "There was no doubt whatsoever, that the towels in the $7,300 per night 'Belle Etiole Suite' of the Meurice were only changed three times a day instead of four and that they were not made of hand woven Egyptian cotton."

Ms Muesli-Yoga is currently staying at the Plaza overlooking Central Park. She has an Am-Ex 'Red' card.

Pic. Ms Muesli-Yoga in Montmatre. She was there, you weren't.

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